Give 2 OLSH Day 2016
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

 Our Current Total Raised:

For The OLSH Fund: $11,287.22 + $10,000 match = $21,287.22
For the OLSH Endowment Fund: $400.00

New Donors: 8

(as of 8:30 pm)

To receive a match for your gift, please direct your gift to The OLSH Endowment Fund!

I want to #Give2OLSH!

Open the calendar popup.
There is still time for your gift to be matched today!
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I agree to pay above total amount according to card issuer agreement. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.
All contributions are tax deductible. Please reference your transaction receipt for more information.

2nd Match for OLSH Announced!

This just in!  A generous donor has offered to match an additional $10,000 in gifts for the OLSH Endowment Fund!

An endowed gift is invested in a way that protects the original amount (the principal) from inflation, allowing the gift to exist in perpetuity. The income derived from the investment can provide a stable and somewhat predictable source of funding for academic programs and tuition assistance. The larger the endowment, the more income OLSH will have to support our various programs.  Alumni parents and benefactors Paul and Nancy Collier have generously offered to match the first $10,000 in gifts made to the OLSH Endowment Fund today, on Give 2 OLSH Day! 

Choose your fund and help us have $10,000 matched for The OLSH Fund AND $10,000 matched for the OLSH Endowment Fund! 

A generous alumnus from the Class of 1990 has offered to match the first $10,000 in gifts to OLSH on Tuesday, February 2, 2016!  On this day we invite OLSH families, friends, and community members to join together and support The OLSH Fund, the cornerstone of philanthropic giving at OLSH that provides resources for student programs, athletics, activities, curriculum development and tuition assistance. The first $10,000 in gifts that are made to OLSH that day will be matched by our anonymous donor, so the goal is to raise at least that much!  

In addition, we hope to have 22 NEW donors to The OLSH Fund on 2/2!  Share the event with your family and friends and let them know the impact OLSH has had on you and your family!  We encourage you to post on social media why you #give2olsh leading up to the event and all day on the 2nd!

Share that you participated! 

When you make your gift on Give2OLSH Day - share the good news on facebook, twitter or instagram with the #give2olsh!  Take a photo with the sign below, inviting others to join you and/or share why you give to inspire others to join us in support of OLSH on 2/2/16!

join me sign give2olsh 2016.pdf - Download and print this sign, take a photo, and share on social media!

give2olsh facebook profile pic.png - Consider changing your profile picture on facebook to help spread the word about Give2OLSH Day!